She's a wife!

Hi gems, after soooo much time away from the blog I am back with a life update!

I have now been married for a month and had the most incredible honeymoon! We are just getting back home and resetting into a routine. The switch back to reality isn't an easy one but we are still on cloud nine from the events of the summer so that certainly helps! So with that said I think we are well overdo on a life update!

Your girl is welcoming fall after a month in Europe and an incredible summer! Not only did my bestfriends get married in the most magical day, but we got to have a summer filled with so many celebrations. Summer 2024 will go down in the history books for sure as a summer of love.

I also had another major life change earlier in the summer, I changed job! After five years at an agency, with the people I loved and who taught me so much. I got an opportunity at a company that is HUGE and rated a top company to work for. The job itself and benefits made it a deal I could not turn down. That being said, it has been a big challenge to learn the completely new processes and lingo of a new company. I wouldn't recommend to change jobs two months before the biggest event you've ever hosted but I am happy with the decision!

The summer truly flew by and gave a combination of milestone moments, lessons, fun, and a lot of prioritizing! We are certainly in a season of learning and shifting as we plan the next steps and goals of our lives but for now, we are happy to be home!

Be back soon!




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