Turning 23
Hey gems,
February is always one of my favourite times of the year because I love my birthday! This year though it felt different than ever before. My 22nd year was one of the best years of my life in terms of career and personal growth. It was the first time I felt myself actually sad to be a year older not because of the fact that I’m aging but because I simply loved the year of being 22 years old!
I decided to kick of 23 with a bang, I completely transformed my hair, focused on my health and I’m trying to enjoy ever second!
I feel as though there has been a weight in the last few weeks and I’ve finally realized why. I think that I now am living with more to lose than ever before. Although I’ve always had so much to be thankful for, I feel the responsibility now to be the one who ensures I don’t lose the great items in my life. My career, my relationships, are all beyond my wildest dreams and it feels as though they are so close to my dream, that the fear of losing them is terrifying.
As much as that has been difficult, fully realizing these thoughts made me feel much better about the year ahead. Instead of being scared, emotional and insecure, I need to focus on making sure the people I love feel valued and that I keep pushing forward in my career.
So for the next year, my focus will be on me, my life and the things that matter to me! My health, my loved ones and my future.
So let’s all take a moment to think of what we love, what we have and what we want. But letting it consume us, fear of losing it or never attaining, isn’t the way to go forward.
So here’s to 23, a year that I will enjoy, thrive in, and love deeper in.
Cheers gems,