Over It

Anyone else have days where things just aren't looking up? I'm having one of those days right now and I realized that in my blog I try to be as motivating as possible, so this might not be something I would have normally wrote about, but I want to be real on this blog. Honestly, it's also super therapeutic.

 I woke up today, after a bad sleep and I was just not ready for the day. My energy was at 0, then I had to stay at work longer, and had a longer commute. Came home and sometimes the sarcastic comments just cannot be handled. Like today. I can't tolerate any sass, even though usually I'd just respond with my own sassy comment. Someday's the reply is just no.

The thing is I don't know what to change, if anyone has suggestions please let me know. I have school, work and my internship, and then my little amount of alone time which I generally spend catching up on my TV shows. For a few weeks I didn't have the alone time, I worked all the time but then that became depressing. Now, I prioritize the alone time and I always feel like I'm five steps behind on my work. Life is a little chaotic and although a part of me loves it, a part of me is also thinking WTF TIA GET IT TOGETHER!

I know that everyone struggles with these moments of imbalance and frustration, and I know you're probably expecting a great motivational quote here, or something to help you get through your rough day but the truth is, it happens- a lot sometimes. Things aren't always easy and they get annoying and
upsetting, but sometimes that what makes the calm and clear moments so much better. Just know that if you're someone who feels like life is passing them by right now as they push from project to project, you aren't alone because I've been a robot lately.

I've had some amazing experiences but I feel like I am going through the motions without fully enjoying the moments. Simply because I'm so tired or always thinking about the next task, the next day, the next year, etc.

So there you have it, a little vent sesh from yours truly.
Honestly who doesn't love some good tea right?

Talk soon,


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