Workout Dilemma

Image result for working outHey guys,
Today's blog is all about the hard truth we're all trying to manage. Some people love working out, some hate it. Some are naturally healthy eaters, others not so much. I'm somewhere in the blurred lines. I love food, but I can fight cravings, most of the time. I don't mind working out, once I'm in the gym, mindset and ready to go, but getting there is the issue.

I'm no gym buff, but I like to do some 30 day challenges; basics, nothing fancy Nancy over here. I usually find the challenges I want to follow on Pinterest because they have so many great options. I just enjoy letting out some steam, especially when I'm stressed or mad. I really wish I could say I loved the gym, I went 3-4 times a week and I know exactly how to eat right. Nope, your girl loves her Oreo's, carbs and damn gimme some sugar. If I know I'll be eating really unhealthy soon, for example a family event or vacation, I'll be more conscious of what I'm eating leading up to that. Otherwise, don't touch my nachos!

I usually do working out in phases. For about a year I had a personal trainer with my sister. Then when the payments became a lot, I decided I knew enough exercises to go at it alone. Which was true but the motivation was hard to find. After that I took a break from the gym, a long break. Then signed up to a new gym for four months, and with the goal of getting my body summer ready I went 3 times a week continuously, but I got so demotivated by the lack of results.

Lately, I'll be honest, I haven't done much, I workout here and there, but it isn't anything consistent. I've started getting slightly more into it as the winter comes, but only to help myself avoid getting sick. I do really want to aim at a 2 workout per week goal, but I also know that it gets busy in the semester and who knows if that will happen.

Down below are some challenges I've tried and liked in the past, all taken from online. I usually choose the exercises I like best and then continue with those and disregard the ones that I liked least. I'll keep you guys posted if some workout miracles or healthy eating tips pop up along the way!


Image result for 30 day challenge workout

Image result for 30 day challenge workout
Image result for 30 day challenge workout


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